EP 007 | Building Trust Through Live Video with Guest Katie Fawkes

Have you ever felt that nervousness
and anxiety when it comes to turning

your camera on and going live?

Or recording video for the internet
that you're going to put out there?

So this is the episode for you because
today we are talking to Katie Fawkes

of Ecamm and she is going to be
talking about her journey from behind

the scenes to the forefront of video
podcasting and marketing over at Ecamm.

And it's absolutely inspirational.

So stay tuned.

Stick with us.

Cause you are going to love this episode.

All right.

I am Kendra from kendralosee.com
and you've tuned into the invisible

to invincible podcast where
passionately driven women in

business share their journeys from
hidden gems to industry leaders.

And today, as I mentioned, we have Katie
Fawkes and Katie is the director of

marketing over at Ecamm where she gets to
work alongside some of the most amazing

live streamers, podcasters, and content
creators out there, helping them to reach

their goals, grow their show, grow their
business through video and live streaming.

And in addition to heading up Ecamm's
marketing team, Katie is the co host

of the video podcast, The Flow, and
she's an all around awesome person.

So I'm excited that she's here.

Welcome Katie.


I'm so excited to be here.

I know.

Thanks for being here.

I just want to say before we get
started that I interviewed you probably

like two years ago, three years ago.


It's been a while.


For my old show and just even the
difference in watching you grow on

video leveling up from then to now
is I just love watching your journey.

I love the I love the videos you guys have
been doing lately of like the first show

versus now It's absolutely inspirational.

And so one of the things that I
think that I run into a lot is people

are afraid to show up on camera.

People are afraid to, especially
when you say go live, the amount

of people that I talk to that women
in particular that just, hesitate

and get, I can see them shrink.

I can see them get anxious and that
anxiety of just like, Oh God, no.

Like, it's amazing.

So can you talk a little bit about
your background and how you got from

where you were to where you are today?

Oh my goodness.

So, so yeah, if you, if you're
that person who's like, no, I don't

even want to watch this episode.

This episode is scary.

Everything about this is scary.

I was you.

I, I started my career as a copywriter and
then moved into the world of social media.

I have always been a behind the Project
planner, like, nail it for someone else,

person, and the idea of being on camera
at all, I mean, even taking photos

of myself is, is as far away from my
personality as it could possibly be.

So it's hilariously ironic that now I
spend probably a good 60 percent of my

time, personally and professionally,
sitting here, either in my home studio.

Studio or the work studio, but
I'm, podcasting or doing podcast

interviews or live streaming or
catching up with friends on video.

I, like many of you, I'm in a
video centric world these days,

but yeah, I, I distinctly remember.

And I've, I've talked about
this a lot on, on LinkedIn and

on my other social platforms.

I, I worked for a company
called paint night.

And I ran their their social media
marketing program and also local

marketing for all of the individual
business owners who are running all

of these events out in the field.

And I needed to do
internal training videos.

So like no one was going to see these
except for the business owners who I knew.

Really well, there was like a
hundred something business owners.

Those are the only people that were gonna
see them and I I Kid you not I you know I

had a video out one Videographer standing
with a camera in a room that I was had

been in you know a ton of times I knew
the information inside and out and every

time the camera came up and he was like,
okay and go I couldn't get my name out.

I would like blah blah.

There was swearing.

There was crying.

It got to the point where after like day
three of recording, I was like, Can I

write the script and someone prettier,
better, more confident can just record it?

Like, does it have to be me?

Because I just couldn't.

I couldn't do it and I, it was scary
and overwhelming and I felt, I'm

like, oh, I'm terrible at my job.

Why is this so hard?

And I'm, I have a theater
acting background, so I'm

used to like being on a stage.

So it's like even more embarrassing, but
there's, there is something about the

idea of Video that has always, and does
continue to feel like it needs to be

perfect, like it needs to be produced,
like it, like you're, something is going

to happen if you trip over your words
or if you don't say the right thing.

People are gonna be like, well, I'm done.

I'll see you later, which is not
the case, but we all feel that

way to some level or another.

So flash forward, I ended up hilariously
taking a job at Ecamm, which is a A

company that makes a live streaming of
video production tool and in the same

way I was like I'm gonna stay behind
the scenes like I'll help other people

be really good at this and I'm really
really grateful to our two co founders.

Who they themselves also
don't like to be on camera.

But they, they were very much like, Hey,
we have all these amazing influencers

and content creators and YouTubers.

And they want us to interview them.

They want, they want to be on camera.

They want to talk about their
experience with our software.

We need someone to do this.

And I was like, Oh, I
really want this job.

I love, like, who I work with.

I love, like, this company.

I believe in, in, In the vision and
getting, getting your content out there.

But it took me, I think, God bless them.

I think Ken and Glenn did like
the first probably five interviews

where like it would come to the
day of and I was like, I'm good.

I've got this.

And then Glenn was like, are you sure?

I can do it if you want.

I was like, yeah, you do it.

I'll just say, I'll
stay behind the scenes.

So I did, I finally got out there.

It was absolutely terrifying.

I felt like it was terrible.

I felt like I looked terrible.


You know what?

I, every time I kind of push myself
to do it again, someone would

show up in the comments and say,
like, Oh, this was so helpful.

I learned a lot.

And then people started showing up
in the comments and saying like,

Oh, Katie, it's so good to see you.

Like, we, we love, we love
getting to spend time with you.

And then there was like a group
of people that would follow me

from one video to another and be
like a little cheerleading team.

And it, now I'm in a place where
I feel like if I don't, if I'm not

live streaming and if I'm recording
a video, it's way harder because

I don't have two leaders, right?


I, I, whenever I do recorded video
now, I feel extra pressure than I do

when I'm live because when I'm live,
I've come to like, Anything can happen.

It's acceptable.

It's fine.

It's real.

My dog's gonna bark.

The, I was doing a live stream last
night, and thank God it was just

a dry run because as soon as we
started, they started jackhammering

the street outside my building.


At the exact same time we started.

And I was like, I'm just going to ask
you questions and interview you and mute

and I'll produce on the back end for you.

But I have to mute myself.


Because you just don't know.

You don't know.


You never know.

It's funny because you say that because
I actually, when I first started live

streaming, I had the same hesitancy.

Because it was like, oh my gosh,
the world's going to see it.

Okay, I don't know how big I
thought my ego was the first time.

I know.


Everyone will see it.

And they're all going to judge us.

Everyone will see it.

Those five people really appreciated it.

But it was, it was funny because
I was putting it off and putting

it off launching my show and
I really wanted to do it.

And I've like, my
background was journalism.

Like I loved my first job was interviewing
people and I love interviewing

people, but it was the live video.

It was go live and that pressure.

And I was talking to some friends
and one of them looked at me,

he's like, don't you teach?

I was like, well, yeah, I teach marketing
and social media like for four and a half

hours a day, a couple of times a week.

And he's like, don't
you do that online too?

I was like, well, totally.


And he goes, are they live?

It's like, I don't like where
you're going with this question.



I'm missing your point on
purpose and I don't love it.

But literally like two days later it
was like, it's gotta be the same thing.


And it, and it has been
like, I absolutely love it.

Like I said, I feel
more pressure recording.


And that's part of why, like, I loved, I
love watching your journey on this too,

because I think that you started working
at Ecamm probably, I think around the

same time I started working on live video.

And so it's been fun to be able
to see is there a mindset shift

or anything that you had to do to
actually Go live with the first time.


I mean, yes, I, I had to, I, I
am a total perfectionist there.

As you said, there's a ton of ego that
goes into what I'd like to admit or not.

There's a ton of ego that goes into it.

And I had to just.

I'm, I'm sort of glad that
I was kind of trapped.

I, I, I had to, I had to do it.

Like, I would have, I would have been
the world's worst, worst marketing

professional working for a live streaming
company and be like, but I don't stream.

That's for you guys.

And I'm here to help you, but
I don't know anything about it.

So I, I mean, the mindset I think came
from just sitting there and saying, Okay.

You have to do this or you quit the job.

Like there you, you have to do
this, you have to do this in a

way that is real and authentic to
the people that are watching it.

So I didn't wanna come out there
and be like, I'm fantastic at this.

Like, I, I wanted to be real and I
wanted, I wanted there to be a journey

because then people could come along on
the journey and it would feel relatable

and I would, I would understand what
they were going through and they would

understand what I was going through.

So I.

I it was it came down to how important
is this really like it really like how

how many people are actually going to
be watching this and are the people that

are watching it do they do they care
do they care if I'm like a little bit

shaky do they care if I trip over my
words they don't they really care about.

The content that I'm providing,
they've shown up to learn what the

topic is that we're talking about
to get ideas and examples from, from

businesses and from business owners
that we were interviewing, they don't,

it's not about me, it like I was the
interviewer, it has nothing to do with me.

So yeah, I mean, it's, it's really
thinking through like, It is still

kind of, I guess, in some ways,
the behind the scenes marketer.

I'm facilitating bringing the content to
life, and I'm the best person to do that.

Because I've built those relationships,
and I've, and I know that this

is the content that makes the
most sense for the audience.

So I was, I was doing myself a disservice
by, by sitting in the shadows and being

like, Oh, someone else will do this.

Like no one else was going to do it.

That's literally was my job
to bring it out to people.

What you said there, I
think is so important.

And we've talked about our business.

There's so many business
owners who feel the same way.

And especially, a lot of us are
coming from corporate, a lot of us.

I mean, I have, I spent more than
20 years working in marketing

departments and my job was to help
other people show up and look good.

And it was really easy to
stay behind the scenes.

And even when I created my own business,
I had a logo, I had a business name.

It was still really easy to stay behind
the scenes, but no one, I mean, people

cared, but not really like, it was
like, Oh, you should go talk to Kendra.

It was not.

Oh, you should go talk to this business
over here because they do good work.

It was talk to Kendra.

She'll be able to help you.

And it's such a transition to decide to
show up and decide to take that leap.

And it's so fascinating to me
that you don't, didn't like video

when you started working at Ecamp.

It's exactly how it was
going to turn out, right?

Like, I mean, it's just
wonderfully ironic.

Or I was like, of course, of
course I've done this to myself,

but yeah, it's been a fun ride.

I wouldn't trade it for anything.

And now you not only are working on
interview, interview people, and I

see you online with interviews and
things all the time, but you have

your own, like you do it for fun too.



It's it's so funny.

So again, in a similar,
in a similar story.

So I, I have a childhood best friend
who I'm still very, very close with.

And we, we grew up across
the street from each other.

So we grew up in the nineties, running
back and forth across the street,

watching movies, like hanging out.

And we and now she lives in Montreal
and I'm here in the Boston area.

So we don't see each other
as often as we would like.

And so years back, Pre pandemic years
ago, we decided we would do, we would

like commit to getting, getting on
a call once a week to just catch up.

So we called it BFF chat.

We were like, we're there
every Thursday, 9 PM.

We're just going to catch up.

And then she was much
more the person who like.

As we started doing it, she was like,
Well, we have, like, we could just

turn on our, our video, like, because,
we weren't, we weren't making phone

calls, we weren't talking through,
like, Google and all these different

platforms, so we're like, We have a
video call, and I was like, I'm good.

Like, and this isn't even live, or
recorded, this is like literally just

a phone call with my closest friend,
and I was like, I don't really like

how I look, I don't want to stare at
myself, I don't enjoy that, and she

was like, that's silly, but okay, fine.

And so, so years later, it got to
this point where we were watching

movies, we were doing these like
watch parties where we were watching

and I was like, Okay, this is silly.

Like, that's fine.

I can be on video while we're
like watching a movie together

and commenting together.

And after a while, I don't remember
whether it was her idea or mine.

We were like, Well, we could do this as
a podcast and I was like, okay, well,

if I'm going to do a podcast, I'm going
to do a video podcast because I work

in video and that's the trend right
now is that, if I start with video,

then everything else is easier from
that point on and now it's just become

a really fun, like now it's this time
where, as I said earlier, like it, it's

not, now it's like not just me and her
hanging out and chatting and catching up.

It's, It's me and her talking
about some of our favorite movies

and all of the people that show
up in our, in our live chat.

So like our recording
process could be closed off.

It could be this time where we, it's just
us and we're recording, but it's so much

more fun to do it publicly out on YouTube
and people show up and they, they share

their stories from their favorite movies
and like it gives us ideas and it makes,

I think the content a lot stronger and it.

Yeah, it turned from this, like, just us
kind of closed thing to, because we've

made it more open, we've just, we've
built this little fun community and it's

been, it's just been a blast getting to,
like, hang out, and there's, we've made

it very no pressure, like, if there's,
we'd now joke, endlessly that it's like,

we record most Thursday nights, if we
can't, we can't, and, and there's, like,

we're, we'll update and let people know,
or we'll jump on on a Friday if we can't

make a Thursday night happen, but, Yeah.



It's very freeing because it's like,
it's in my mind, it's just for fun.

It gives me tons of practice.

It's building my confidence.

And it, and there's not,
there's no downside to it.

I, it's checking all the boxes for
me in a really fun and unique way.

I love that.

And it's, it's, it's, it's, I think you
said something really important there

and then it's adding the fun, right?

It's taking it off and adding the fun.

And when you can take that
momentum and that casualness into

everything else that you're doing,
because it's authentically you.

Yeah, and you get that.

I want to say practice being you.

Yeah, it's ridiculous.

But I know but so many people turn
on the camera and they're like,

Oh my gosh, I have to be perfect.

I have to have everything in place.

I have to say this.

I have to pronounce everything perfectly.

I can't stumble over my words.

I can't say or any of those things.

But people like it when
you're perfectly you.

Yeah, not perfectly perfect.

And it's so fascinating to be able to
see one of the things that I talk a lot

about too, is personal branding, right?

And I think that what they've
done really well over at Ecamm

is bringing all of you forward.

I mean, I'm part of it because they,
they don't like to be on camera either.

Yeah, exactly.

They're not marketers.


But you've been able to really
like, they've everyone's embraced

each one of you over there
creating your personal brand.


And yeah, I think it.

I think it's really like, it's special.

I, I would never, I was definitely never
the person that I still probably don't

even consider it like a personal brand,
but I feel like a year or so ago, I

made this kind of decision where I had
been, everything had been very separate.

I was like, okay, well.

Like, this is my Facebook page.

And like, that's just
for friends and family.

And like, this is my Instagram.

And like, I post photos of like my kids.

So I don't want, like, that's not for,
that's only for like, this is LinkedIn.

This is only professional stuff over here.

And after a while I was like, well,
most of the people that like I

have on Facebook actually are like.

Friends that, like, I have certainly
like family and close friends, but I

have friends that like I've met through
work that are like work friends, like

it was just becoming this like gray area
and space, but I had a huge following.

And so it was, it felt really silly not to
be letting people know what I was doing.

It was like, like, Oh, my, like
my, my high school friends are not

going to care that I'm doing, a
podcast on podcasting, whatever.

But they did, like, I, I, the more
that I started being like, Oh, I'll

share about these things or I'll, let
people know what I'm doing for work,

the more people were like, Oh, I, I
always wanted to know more about video.

Like, can I ask you some questions?

I'm like, sure.

Or, Oh, hey, that's so cool, Katie.

Like, I didn't know
that you were into this.

Like, I also, like, you don't
know unless you put it out there.

And we are so worried about, You know
about how it looks or about key, it's

like work life balance and keeping
boundaries, which is important But I feel

like sometimes we are making decisions
for our our people that we don't need to

make we're like put it Put it up there
if you're proud of it if you like if you

if you've signed on to do something then
hopefully you You, you're proud of it

and you're, you feel excited about it.

So I don't think that there's
a harm in letting people know.

And I think it's, it's, I think
it's fine to share that information.

Cause you never know who's
listening on the other side.

Like I, I have friends who had
been sitting there for a long

time where we're like, I, I really
wanted to know how to podcast.

I had no idea how to get started and I
felt overwhelmed and seeing sort of what

I was going through and making that more
public, gave them permission to feel

like they could talk with me about it or.

Found some ideas often.

Now many of them are up and running with
really cool projects and different things

that they're working on that maybe they
wouldn't have been if they didn't have

that level of encouragement or, seen
someone else doing something similar.

It's so important what you just said.

And I actually did the same thing a
year ago when I decided to pivot out

of cannabis and focus solely on, and
doing that, I put myself forward, right?

Like here's my name, here's who I am.

I converted my Instagram
because I was trying to manage.

Yeah, I don't know about you, but I was
trying to manage a personal Instagram,

one for cannabis marketing, one for non
cannabis marketing for those other things.

So that's three just on one platform.


And then I had my
business ones on LinkedIn.

So there was three more.

Like, are you kidding me?

I'm one person like Yeah, and as I've
pulled things together, if people don't

want to listen to about work stuff great
You don't have to but here's some personal

things and here's some stuff that's
going on and for each person That line

of what they want to share about their
personal life varies Yeah, like set your

boundaries about what you don't want
to talk about or what you want to keep

private and then work around it because
yeah, people don't necessarily and that's

where I think it's the emphasis on how
to stand out is so important more and

more with video and with that personal
branding because with AI and everything

else that's happening, it's easy to get
lost and sound like everyone else period.

Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

I mean, I think we're going to need
to find ways to be more human, to be

more relatable because people like as
things are, as those lines are blurring,

things like live video are going to
continue to be, to become even more

important than they are now because
people want to feel, people want to see

those like, What we would think of as
moments of like, Oh, Oh my goodness.


Like a cat walked in across my keyboard.

Like my kids ran in like the,
there's crazy noises outside.

Those might be like surprising and
upsetting and whatever for us right now.

But that's an indicator for a person
on the other side that you're really

creating this content in the moment.

They can trust you.

There's the, there's an
authenticity or realness there.

If this is not like, Something
where, we're pulling, we're pulling

the wool over anyone's eyes.

Like this is us there to answer
questions, to help people, to, to

share what we're trying to share.

So I, I think it's going to continue
to be more important as there's so

many ways to game the system right now.

And so many kind of changing
parameters for content.


So I was talking about that first
live video that I did, I hadn't set

up and I was sitting on my couch.

I wanted a little more casual, but
like, chat with me kind of thing.

And as I was doing it, my dog, was a puppy
at the time and he jumped up on the couch

behind me, started walking along the back
of the couch behind me, and then fell in

between the couch cushion and the couch.

So then he just disappeared
while I was talking.

And I had no guests, it was just me.

And then he like, you saw his little
puppy legs like pull himself like up,

and then he hoisted himself back up,
shook himself off and then kept walking.


And that's how you know it's live.

Like, this is not, I
couldn't make this up.

We didn't practice this, me and my dog.

Yeah, no, those are the
things that people remember.

Like it's, I don't know.

I mean, if you think back to any
of the content, I mean, even, even

on TV, which is certainly becoming
like less and lesser thing, right?

Like none of us watch cable
TV or live TV anymore, but.

But in those moments where, where we have
like the memorable, newscasters were like

kids have come screaming in or something
crazy has happened, especially as, as

we were like at the beginning stages of
the pandemic, there was a lot of that.

And it, it's kind of nice.

Like it's, it's memorable.

It makes people feel real.

It's relatable.

There's sort of a moment where
you're like, Oh, right, like this

is a person and like they're going
through all the same stuff that we do.

I, I think it stands out and so, I mean,
you don't, wouldn't want it obviously in

every single one of your videos, but I
think we need to be less afraid of that.

Like it's going to happen here and there.

It's going to happen to everyone.

It's, it happened to late
night hosts when they had to

do things on their own at home.

Like it's just part of it, right?


I think it's one of those things where.

Like I, I, I'm not
thankful for the pandemic.


Like there was a lot that happened,
but one thing that I do appreciate

is that letting go of that feeling
of if we're showing our face

online, we have to be perfect.


Whether it's photo, video, what have
you, it doesn't have to be perfect.

because we're not perfect.

And, it goes back to whenever I talk about
to people about this, it's like, who's

deciding what's perfect and not, right?

We're the perfect police
because everyone's going to

have their own idea of perfect.

So you're never going to achieve that.

So it's never going to matter.


So of everything, stop chasing that.


And I, once again, I'm also like
the perfectionist and had to have

everything buttoned up and then my dog's
doing acrobatics in the background.

I'm like, I'm done.

Let's just do this.

Like, we're good.



I mean, you can, you can certainly,
and I would encourage, anyone that's

getting into this space or even if you've
been there for a while, like you can

certainly plan a, a 10 you can have.

You can have notes, you can have, a
detailed in tools like Ecamm, you can

like, you can build out what we call
scenes so that you can plan out all the

content, you can practice, you can do
practice rounds of things that you're

going to do the same as you would for,
anything else, teaching or any kind

of presentation that you're doing.

You can practice all of that.

I guess what we would just say is
like, don't, don't let the overthinking

stop you from creating the content.

Like, one of the, one of the hardest parts
of recording a video versus live streaming

is that you can pause it and stop it.

So then you've given yourself
permission to be like, pfft, that

sounded dumb, I'm gonna stop that.

I'll record again.

Ugh, I hate that.

I'll record again.

I hate that.

I'll record again.

And you can get into this
cycle where you can lose.

You could lose a whole day or you could
lose a whole project because there's, a

way that you want it to sound in your head
or you're like, oh, I'll edit that later.

All of that is time and some of that
matters, but not all of it matters.

So yeah, I think practicing in a live
setting kind of forces you to roll

with the punches a little bit and
to keep pushing through and get the

content created if you want to edit
it later, great edit it later, but at

least you've gotten it all the way out.

And then, you know what you would
do differently next time or how you

might tweak it, but versus kind of
sitting there in that paralysis of.

Oh no, I need this.

I need this 45 minute video and
like that's feels like forever and I

don't know how I'm going to do that.

That would be forever, 45 minutes.

That's crazy.

But an hour live stream goes
like that, I gotta tell you.

So fast, I know.

It's not, I think that, and that's
one thing that, you make a really good

point because when I start, when I'm
teaching, like the last couple of classes

I taught social media marketing, I
actually used e cam, pulled the students

in and for extra after, anyone that
wanted to stay longer on one or two

of the classes, I'd help them go live.

We'd, they'd go set in another room.

I'd bring them in.

We'd use my work Facebook page.

So that way like no one that would
know them would know that I mean like

we're gonna limit it So that way they
wouldn't feel bad about it and it was

amazing to watch because even in this
even in the process of one interview

like you could see them start to like
Relax and stop worrying about who might

be watching Yeah, chances are if you're
going to go live and you're going to

be talking to it, you're, you're not,
chances are high, a reasonable person is

not going to say such ridiculous things.

Like you're not going to
be a normal person one day.

And then like the camera goes live and
then just like crap comes out of your

mouth that you've never said before,
it would be entertaining, entertaining.

And there are people that lose, we've
seen those videos, but Chances are high

the average person, not that we're all
average, but you know, we're all shining

stars, but we're not going to do that.

So that's not going to be the
thing that you need to worry about.

But yeah, it was super fun and I
know people that have done a lot of

practice and created fake groups or
what have you to be able to practice.

I will say one of the things that I did
recently my boyfriend plays wheelchair

basketball and so I had access to TikTok
live and I know nothing about sports.

Like it's shameful, but I like
watching his game and I was

there for a three day tournament.

So I just started streaming on
TikTok and was like, this is shitty

basketball commentary for a great sport.

Don't expect much from me.

But I'll talk my way through it.

And I live streamed the games and
provided terrible commentary that

was like, he passes it to his friend,
he passes it back to his friend,

I think they're playing keep away.

Oh, no, now they tried
to hit it into the hoop.

Like, it was terrible.

And people would give me
tips on getting better.

And it was sad because the better
I got at it, like the more I

learned, the less engagement I got.

So that's really like a
reversible reward there.

But it was such fun
thing to practice and do.

And it wasn't something like talk
about not needing to be perfect.

You're like, I know nothing about this,
but this is what we're doing today.


And I think like that
takes the pressure off of.


So if you're, if you listening to
this or watching this are on the fence

about going live, using live streaming
as part of your marketing strategy.

It's where you want to be because it
is the way you're going to stand out.

It is how you can make
a bigger difference.

with your marketing, with your
content for a lot, a lot less work.



I mean, I start there, there's like a
bunch of different ways depending on

what your personality is like, but to
start, I mean, I, I have people who

swear by the idea of just taking your
phone and doing like a video journal.

So just like once a day,
record it just for you.

Don't like, don't overthink it.

Keep it like a minute or less or
whatever length you want it just for you.

Journal down some ideas, notes, just the
act of like seeing yourself on camera.

The act of recording in a, in a video
way is a great way to get started.

There are people like me who need to be
backed into a corner in order to start.

So if that's you, then, sign
up for, there's like, a couple

of different challenges that
happen throughout the year.

So there's one called Lida.

Where you just challenge yourself
to go live every single day in

April or August, so either works
and there's lots of different groups

that will hold you accountable
and and get you into that space.

And again, that's like in a closed group
or like, honestly, I had signed up to

do like a bunch of different kinds of.

Like talks and presentations,
et cetera, in a digital space.

And so, I, I just, and I needed to
record them and send them over, so they

didn't even have to be live streams.

But I just live streamed them to an
unlisted YouTube, gave that link to my

best friend, and was like, sit here in
the chat, and she would type messages,

so I could see them coming up in Ecamm,
and I wasn't responding to them, but

that, like, Oh, you sounded really great
there, oh, that was a good point, like,

things like that just, gave me enough
confidence to keep going and I knew that

because I was live I couldn't hit that
stop button and so I actually I was able

to record an entire presentation by doing
it as a live stream even though it wasn't

a public live stream so practicing in
different ways I think will just get you

out of you just need to get out of that
the the fear cycle and the paralysis that

you're stuck in so how whatever that is
whether whatever level of accountability

or kind of push that you need to get
out of that It's only the first couple

times that are super scary and then and
then it starts getting into a rhythm

and then it feels more comfortable and
then you're creating and really like

in the end, that's what matters, right?

Like you're not, you're not going
to move forward if you can't.

Create the content in 2024.

You need to have video
content to some level.

If you're running a business,
whatever size business that is.

So you, you need to push yourself for
no one else is going to do that for you.

You're going to have to
push yourself forward in it.


One of the things that I did in
July, because apparently I didn't

want to deal with April and August.

You can make your own.

Yeah, right.

I went live every single day on
Instagram because I want to play with

Instagram and use that feature there.

And if this, if you're
listening in this thought.

It is really daunting to you
because you're like, I don't

know what to say for 31 days.

I use Magi.

I went over to AI, use Magi, put together
my like, here's my target audience.

Here's the four things
I want to talk about.

Use each one as a weekly theme.

Give me some talking points for each one.

It gave me the ideas.

And I used that for my talking points.

It also helped me write
the post by that point.

And I used my notes app, I
used Magi, and I used my phone.

Yeah, the AI tools are there to
help, like, make all of that magic.

Like, the only thing it can't do right
now is is be a real person on camera.

So like all the rest of it, it
can do for you, which is great.

Or at least give you like the framework
that you need to be successful

or to give you some confidence.


And having that framework made it so easy.

And even for as long as I've done
video, I hadn't done any in a while

and everyone was telling me, even
You know from the first place like

the first day of that month, I would
I had been traveling I was in LA.

I was like in a courtyard.

I'd been out in the sun all day I think
that's some random sunburns around my

sunglasses and was trying to figure it
out And I didn't have my notes necessarily

in front of me all the way to the last
day of the month and you can even see

the cut my confidence going Because I
was rusty in the beginning like it was

an invaluable experience and I've been
doing this for years So just sometimes you

need to shake it up for yourself a little
bit and being able to do it on my phone

versus My computer it was in different
spaces that I wasn't used to Like you

have that flexibility and you know what?

No one cared like people
loved it People loved it.

And no one cared that I was not,
it was harder to hear me in some

locations or that I was sunburned.

No one cared.

I was the only one that cared.


And so I absolutely love this
conversation with you, Katie.

As I can talk to you for hours,
but we're not going to, I tell

you there's, it's, it's amazing.

How quickly the time goes by, so I,
I would say that the mass majority

of live streams that I do now and
podcasts and all of it are like at,

at least an hour, like an hour to me.

Felt like an eternity when I first
started off and now it's so much easier.

So yeah, I don't know.

I, I guess the other thing I would
say is that like, it's harder by

yourself than it is with someone else.

So if you're the kind of person that
needs like to bounce ideas off of,

setting it up and doing it with like a
friend or a colleague or, someone that

you trust that like, Even if you don't
plan out any questions in advance, just

get on camera and talk with each other.

It helps the time pass by faster
and gives you confidence too.

Cause you're like, Oh, if I was to
forget everything right now, Kendra,

we continue the conversation and I
would come back in and keep going.


So it like, it's helpful to you
to, to think through, you don't

have to be by yourself or you
don't have to start by yourself.

You could practice with someone
else till you get confident and

then figure out how to do it.

It's a different, it's a different
feeling being by yourself than

it is to be with someone else.

That's a really good point.

It is much easier to do interviews
than when I do my solo shows and I

enjoy doing them like I can talk.

I can talk.

Let's be clear.

But I enjoy, it's always so much more fun
to have someone there to ask questions

and to bounce ideas off and to have
these conversations because you can,

I think that there's more value in the
combined effort than just one person.


So, Katie, where can people find you?

Oh my gosh, I'm super public, as we
just said, super public, so I'm, I

am in front of and behind the scenes
of almost all the stuff that Ecamm

creates, so E C A M M, you can find us
all over, and if you want to Practice.

Ecamm actually has a really
great community on Facebook.

If you go ecamm.tv/community, you'll
drop into that Facebook group.

And you don't have to be an Ecamm
customer to practice and play there.

So it's a good, a good place
if you want to test things out.

I, I have my own 90s movie review podcast.

So if you want to be in the past with
me and my best friend, you can hang out

with us most Thursday nights at 9 p.


on YouTube.

And wherever you listen to
podcasts, we're called the VHS Club.

Our website's thevhsclubpod.com.

And then I, my last name is Fawkes, but
it's spelled the British way, F A W K E S.

So you can find me pretty easily across
all the different social platforms.

And I'm Super public and welcoming
now with my social media, so if you

want to learn about podcasting and
see my backyard chickens and learn how

I crochet and travel and scrapbook,
you are welcome in my space anytime.

I kind of do a mix of everything
that I'm passionate and excited

about, which is fun, at least for me.

No, absolutely.

It is fun.

It's fun for me too.

And I do want to reiterate what I
want to reiterate what Katie was just

saying about the Ecamm community.

That is Ecamm is the tool I use.

It's the tool I got started with for live
streaming and the community there and

the support there is absolutely amazing.

So if you are considering and
hesitating about going live

and trying to figure this out.

You don't have to hesitate.

You don't have to keep considering.

There's so many resources and such a
supportive community of people who are

just happy to support you in showing up.

Yeah, come in and lurk, honestly, like
if you're like, I don't, I don't, I

don't want to just come and sit in the
group and see what people are creating.

I just find it so inspirational
and like across every conceivable

industry, people who are streaming,
church services, you have people who

are like doing these amazing like
presentations and, like, Live events.

You have tons of podcasters.

We have magicians, like
literally every industry, get

teachers, every single category.

And they're doing just the coolest things.

It's just, I don't know.

I find it really fun to just get some,
even just some great ideas of what's

possible because once you see it,
you're like, Oh, like I can do that.

Like, no, it's a level
playing field there.

It's not that anyone has, yeah.

Anything better than anyone else,
all it takes is a really good idea.

Implementing the idea is
just a set of steps, right?

And it comes down to, like, what you can
afford and, and, what you have time to

train yourself to do, but it's all doable.

Everyone started somewhere, right?

So, it's neat to get to see all the ideas
and examples, but we're always Practicing

and playing around, with each other.

So any level welcome.

And it's fun.

It's play and it's encouraging.

So be sure to check that out because
the community, the Ecamm community

and what they've built and the
tools that we have access to and

the people are all part of it.

And it's unlike any tool or community
like community based around a tool.

I keep saying tool, but like a
software, honestly, than I've ever seen.

Cause when I think of Ecamm, it's not
just, Oh my gosh, I can do this and

you can do this and you can do this
and then there's these cool people

and then they teach you and it's
like, it's a bigger thing than that.



Good job marketing it.

Is that the word I was looking for?


It's all these things and you get to
act in it and it's all around you.

And I always love when people are
like, how did you build the community?

I was like, Oh man, this
community built itself.

Like the, once you realize like what
you can do on video, it becomes like

just this, almost like a game where
you're like, Oh, I like, I can make

this whole stream look like a CNN show,
like scrolling tickers I could do.

And then it's just, yeah, people
just get addicted justifiably.

Like it's just really cool
what you can accomplish.

So yeah, the community builds
itself and their enthusiasm

just like catches like fire.

Everyone is just like, ah, I can do this.

Can you see this?

Let's try it out.


It's pretty amazing.

So be sure to check it out.

Katie, thank you so much for being
here today and thanks to all of you

for tuning in to hear Katie and I.

Talk about marketing in my video
and nerd out about the topic.

And if you are inspired to take
your own passion to the podium

success, visit KendraLosee.

com for more expertise on how to amplify
your business and your personal brand

and visit Ecamm to learn more about how
to show up live and the community there.

And until next time, I'm Kendra Losee.

Thank you.


All right.

You thought you were done?

I knew I just had goodbye,
but I didn't mean it.

I decided it would be fun to include the
bloopers from the beginning of the podcast

episode with Katie, for you to enjoy.

So those are coming up.

Have you ever felt this stage
right when you think about going

on live on camera and Broadcasting
yourself out to the internet?

If so, you're not alone and this
episode is for you We're going to be

meeting Katie Hawks today See, I told
you, I told you it was going to be me.

You need to keep bloopers in
for this episode in particular

so people, it's relatable.

We're not meeting Katie Hawks
because that's not a person I know.

I knew it was always people's last
name too and I think it's because of

mine's such like a A sticking point.

, no one ever gets it right.



. Here we go.

. It's your damn Fox
shirt, . It is, it does.

All right, here we go.

EP 007 | Building Trust Through Live Video with Guest Katie Fawkes
Broadcast by